Getting my radiation treatment!
After going through chemotherapy treatments, being in remission, then being told I needed to have a bone marrow transplant, I learned the value of perseverance, patience, and never giving up. I have never been so sick, tired, and feeling so crummy in my life than those 2 years of fighting/recovering from cancer.
During my bone marrow transplant, my mom and I moved to California so I could have the best possible care for my treatment without being too far away from home. I will never be able to repay my mom and dad for getting me the best treatment possible and being there for me through it all.
I had many different struggles during the whole ordeal but it has taught me many things about myself and about life in general. I have learned patience, never giving up, faith, and the importance of supportive friends and family in your life.
Even though it was a very difficult trial in my life and has led to some health problems that I will probably live with the rest of my life, I wouldn't change my diagnosis of cancer because it has made me a better person overall. I have become a stronger person because of what I have been through and I learned things that I would have never learned at such a young age.
My Mom was always by my side!

Just admitted to City of Hope Hospital & getting ready to start treatment to get ready for my Bone Marrow Transplant!
All visitors had to wear masks and gloves while in my room.
Just getting caught up on your blog...these pictures scream bravery!!! You are so courageous Court!