I have truly been blessed with great friends, and many different groups of great friends! This is one of my biggest blessings in my life, so I may have many pictures to post! (in no particular order!):

Wes, Cait, & Tan: These three have probably been my longest and closest friends I have ever had! I met them when I joined swim team and we were inseparable for years! We were at the Springville pool for at least 4 hours each day together and even though we're all grown up and our lives are all so different right now, we are still so close and know we can count on each other for anything. I love these three with all my heart and they mean so much to me! There has been a time that we spend together that we haven't laughed so hard that we almost pee our pants (and sometimes we actually do.... Cait!). I wish we could be with each other everyday!

This is Blake! His family was our first "Family Friends" when we moved to Utah. They are wonderful! He's at Dental School in San Fran right now so I always love when he comes home so I can hang out with him! He's such a great guy & I'm so glad he's in my life!

This is my Ash Baby! We met Freshman year at BYU & have been best friends ever since. These past two years we have spent a lot of time together & I wouldn't change a minute of them for the world! She is one of the most amazing, genuine, beautiful, and crazy girls I have ever known! I love her so much and so glad she is the sister I never had!

My Girlies & Sky Guy!: Danica, Ali, Skyler, and Britten. I met these great peeps just this year in my ward & they have brightened up my life so much!! I have had so much fun this year & I think it has been one of my best years in college & a lot of it is because of them! They are fun, quirky, spontaneous, & so amazing! I know we will all be life friends & I'm so grateful they are in my life!! I don't know what I would do without them!!

Joshy-Poo! I love this guy! He is like an additional brother in my life!! Josh is in my mom's Social Work Program and he has become one of the family! He is crazy, fun, and a sweetheart! (And I'm determined to find him an amazing wife!!) He can always make me laugh and is British accent is....Entertaining! Love you Joshy!

What would I do with these two girls? Mallory & Emma are my roommates/wonderful, amazing, beautiful friends! We met in our ward over the years & I have been so lucky to have them live with me! I have had so many wonderful talks with them, laughed hysterically with them, & had some great girl time watching movies. I love them so much & my life has been so enriched & fulfilled because of them. I love you Em & Mal!

Andi Pandi, Lindy Lou, and Blaire Bear (yes I know, I have nicknames for all my friends! Its a term of endearment for me to give you a nickname!!). Andi and Lindy are sisters (you're blind if you couldn't tell that) and I met Lindy several years ago when we became roommates and Andi joined us when she graduated! These girls are so dang cute and I just love chatting, shopping, and giggling with them! Blaire and I have known each other since Junior High and I've had so much fun spending time with her for years and years! We are basically the only two girls from our high school friends that aren't married so its been fun to hang out together! We love going to baseball games together and chatting about high school gossip! I don't see these girls enough! Love you all!! Let's play more!!

Natasia, Melinda, and Brittany. These are some of my friends from high school but we've become even closer friends since we graduated! Brittany and I have been friends since I moved to Salem. She was my first friend and I consider her one of my best friends! I don't see her as much as I'd like but I know that she's always there for me and when I do see her its like we've never been apart! She has two beautiful children and has one on the way! Natasia and I have become SO close these past years and I wouldn't want it any other way! She seriously is the best! I love our chats on the phone and the lunches that we get to take occasionally in Salt lake with her baby son Emerson (I call myself his adopted Aunt!). She is so beautiful and she is such a great friend! Melinda and I have become really close friends after we both went through divorces. She was there for me during a hard time and I hope I was there for her as well. She knew what I was going through and it helped me so much! She also as an adorable little one year old and I love her so much! Thanks girl for being such a huge part of my life!

These are my great friends that I have made this year! Danica, Skyler, Jared, Fred, John, Britten, Ethan, and Ali. We have so much fun together and try to do as much as we can together! We play movies and chat on Sunday nights, Movie and treat night on Tuesdays, and occasional get-a-ways to Park City and hopefully more to come! We stay up together way too late chatting, laughing, and doing goofy things! We can't get enough of each other! We're all in the same ward and have so much fun! They have lightened my life a lot this year and we're all so unique which makes our group so fun!! I can't wait for more fun adventures this summer!!

This is my beautiful friend Shawna! We met many years ago when we both worked for a physical therapy company. She went through a lot in her life and has developed a beautiful life out of her trials and made them strengths! We don't get so see each other much but I know she's always there for me whenever I need her!

Vili, Terrell, Jack, Cary, Caity, Chase, Gerrit, Skyler, Danielle, Racheal, and Me! These are all my great pals!! We all have fun together laughing, having parties, and dancing to the wii! But the center of this great group is my amazing friend Racheal! She is beautiful, funny, smart, and spontaneous! We met on our London Study Abroad and we have had so many fun adventures together in the almost 3 years we've been friends! She's so great and always there if I need to chat with someone! Love you Rach!!
Wow! That turned out a lot longer than I expected! I know that I wasn't able to include all of my amazing friends but I'm so grateful they are all in my life! I hope I have been as great of a friend as they have all been to me!!
I'm sure glad I don't have to pay all these people to be your friend like Ashley's Mom!