It's my amazing dad's birthday today! I won't tell you how old he is... but he was born in 1958! But he's got the energy, personality, and love for life like a 30 year old! For his birthday, I thought I would do a "Top Ten List" of why I love my dad (I could do a Top Ten Million List but I don't want to brag too much about my amazing father!).
10. How many girls can say their dad was "Hero of the Year" in AMERICA!! I can! But you'll never hear him telling people about it because he is so humble and just does what is right without needing recognition for it.
9. He's very funny! Even though I tell people not to laugh at his jokes because "it only encourages him", I think he is a funny guy and he usually can always make me laugh.
8. He is the hardest worker I have ever met. I've never met anyone that can work as hard as my dad and keep up with him! He's an energizer bunny!! He taught me the value of work from a very young age and I appreciate that so much. I hope I can teach my kids that lesson as well as he taught me.
7. He can be soft-hearted and emotional and isn't afraid to show it. He is a real man because he can share his emotions and show his emotions without being embarrassed of them.
6. He has a very strong testimony of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. It took him a little longer than a lot of young LDS men to gain that testimony and to decide to go on a mission but I think he is better because of it and values his testimony more because of it and it has been an amazing example to me.
5. When my dad puts his mind to something he is going to do he does it and is amazing at Self-Motivation. The past year he has lost a lot of weight and is a Triathlon Maniac!! He has done so well and has worked so hard to do better at working out once or twice a day and his swimming has improved ten fold! He is amazing! I wish I had the self motivation he has.
4. He is a worthy priesthood holder and it has blessed my family so much.
3. He is the biggest example to me of Service. He is always serving those around us, even when he doesn't know them. After Garrett went missing, instead of sulking in his own despair and loss, he turned it around and started an organization that helps other people and their families who have people that are lost in the mountains. He is so amazing and so giving. He has taught me and my brothers the value of service by taking us on Humanitarian trips, Builder's Without Borders, Sub-4-Santa, etc. He is always doing something for someone else. He is always willing to help me out whenever I need something or just need a little extra help on something.
2. He loves my mom and supports her in everything she does. I hope I find someone that is at least half as supportive and loving to me as he is to my mom. He truly knows how to be an amazing husband and treat his wife with respect and love.
1. He loves me and would do anything for me. He supports me in EVERYTHING I do. He would go to the end of the earth if it meant I would be happy for eternity. When I went through my cancer he was always there for me and made sure I had the best care I could possibly get. He is amazing and will take me to have "retail therapy" when he knows I really need a pick-me-up (when really, the real pick-me-up is the daddy/daughter time I get with him). I don't remember a single swim meet he missed and everyone knew when I was swimming cause everyone could hear him (including me in the water)! I loved going on daddy/daughter dates when I was little and in my teenage years. I will always cherish those times. I love going to the Real games with him and its fun to have something we enjoy together and spend extra time doing together. I feel so loved by my dad and I know that he would love me and do anything for me no matter what.
I hope my dad knows how much I love him and how much he means to me. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for him and my mom. I am so blessed to have him as my dad.
Happy Birthday Dad! Thanks for being an amazing dad & being my hero!
Love, Your Favorite Daughter/Princess!

he's a pretty good landlord too. :) what a sweet tribute to your dad! happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteThe only problem with being put on such a high pedestal is that it is really a long way down when you fall! I just always hope that I can live up to these great tributes. I am so grateful for your strength and desire to live, because I don't know what I would have done if you didn't fight for your life the way you did!!! Thanks for the great tribute and being such a great daughter. I Love You for Eternity.
ReplyDeleteWait.... It was your birthday Dad!!! Yeah Dads a pretty good old guy. Everything was spot on that is for sure, even the Courtney being a princess part. Dad your my favorite Dad for sure, and good work marrying Mom you two are the best parents anyone could ask for, it makes life trails and hardships that much more bearable with parents like you guys and a family we have.
ReplyDeletePeace and Blessing,
Amen on that post! He is a pretty awesome guy! I feel very blessed to know your family and have one of your chickens named after me! Just kidding! I treasure the times I have been able to be with your family! We love you guys and Happy Birthday Kevin!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely tribute to a most amazing Dad.