Next we played a little laser tag. It was everyone for themselves... until half way through when the three girls had enough of the boys being sneaky so we ganged up on them! Didn't help much though. I lost TERRIBLY!!!!!! Definitely in last place! But Britten won so she showed those boys who was boss!!

On to the "Flight Simulator". Skyler and I went first and trusted the employee there when he told us what the best ride was. Yeah we were laughing and singing "Party in the USA" instead of holding on for dear life. It was THAT good..... NOT!!! I should have trusted Skyler when he said he wanted to do a "shooting" ride! Britten and Fred went next and there ride seemed a TON better, they chose for themselves. They even looked a little disheveled when they got out!

We went back to our childhood and played some Skeeball to earn some tickets!! Skyler and I also did a little car racing on the lovely arcade games which he beat me by three hundredths of a second!! Totally cheated! No big deal though, I beat him by several seconds the next time! We collected all our tickets and got our prizes, which included: Chinese Finger traps, silly bands, parachute safari animals, "Popper", erasers, and kiddie candy! Oh the memories of child hood that came flooding back!
We ended the night with a photo booth shoot which included us squishing into a 2 person spot and Fred's eye only showing the whole time while the rest of us hogged the space! We stopped at In n Out on the way home, which is always delicious, and Skyler flew his "Parachute Lion" out the window. Great night. Great Friends. Great Memories.

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